Clinique Paris spécialisée en chirurgie orthopédique traumatologie du sport


The hospital has a number of different bodies that work closely together to improve the quality of care on a daily basis. These include the CLUD (Pain Management Committee), the CLIN (Nosocomial Infection Control Committee) and the CRUQ (Commission for Relations with Users and the Quality of Care).

The various committees

Various committees are present in the establishment to improve the quality of patient care.


The Pain Management Committee (CLUD) is a centre for reflection and proposals, working in effective and permanent collaboration with the hospital's management and the CME, as well as with the clinical departments, the pharmacy and the administrative and technical departments.

Pain assessment and treatment are an integral part of the Clinique Paris Lilas establishment project.

The clinic has :

  • a CLUD
  • a pain team made up of pain referral nurses, an algology nurse and trained doctors,
  • pain protocols.

If you or someone close to you is suffering from pain while you are in hospital, you can talk to the nursing team and the doctor treating you. To help us better adapt your treatment, you can tell us "how much it hurts" by noting your pain from 0 to 10.

Our aims :

  • Prevent: pain caused by certain treatments or examinations: injections, dressings, catheterisation, etc. Pain sometimes associated with everyday activities such as washing or simply moving around, etc.
  • Treat and relieve: acute post-operative pain is treated by the nursing team for systematic analgesic treatments and on request depending on the pain of each patient.

Our resources:

  • Measuring pain is essential for any treatment. Several pain assessment scales are used, depending on the patient.
  • The second tool is communication. If you have any questions, please ask the department manager.
  • The third tool is analgesics, which are used according to the degree of pain.


The Nosocomial Infection Control Committee (CLIN), in collaboration with the Operational Hygiene Team (EOH), works to prevent and control these infections by monitoring the patient environment: surfaces, air, water, equipment used and care practices.
Our establishment has set up a Nosocomial Infection Control Committee in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

This committee oversees the prevention and monitoring of nosocomial infections, in particular by drawing up and implementing recommendations on good hygiene practices.
The establishment participates in hygiene training courses. The Hygienist and members of the Operational Hygiene Team are available to answer your questions.

Their role is to

  • Prevent infections by checking and validating compliance with care protocols,
  • Monitor infections through regular surveys,
  • Drawing up and distributing recommendations for good hygiene practice,
  • Improve the training of healthcare professionals in hospital hygiene,
  • Implement and evaluate control measures.

If you would like to ask our CLIN team a question, please write to Clinique Paris Lilas.


The decree of 2 March 2005 (amended by Decree no. 2016-726 of 1 June 2016) requires all health establishments to set up a users' commission responsible for :

  • ensuring that users' rights are respected and facilitating their procedures ;
  • helping to improve the policy for receiving and caring for patients and their families.

At the Clinique des Lilas, the committee is made up of: 1 user representative appointed by the supervisory authorities, 2 management representatives, 1 doctor mediator, 2 staff mediators (non-doctors) and their alternates, and the establishment's quality and safety manager. For any problem or dispute that may arise during your stay in our establishment, you may refer the matter to this committee, assisted by a user representative whose name and contact details will be given to you at reception or by the department manager.

Its role in the establishment :

  • It is consulted on policy relating to reception and care and makes proposals in this area.
  • It is informed of all complaints or claims made by users of the establishment and the action taken on them.

Rights and obligations :

  • Right of access to medical data relating to complaints and claims, subject to the prior written agreement of the person concerned or their heirs if they are deceased.
  • The members of the commission are bound by professional secrecy, medical secrecy and confidentiality.


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